1 min read
Recruiting and retention
Nick Diodati, Charles River Development
Jan 19, 2023 1:12:46 PM

What role does the advisor experience play in recruitment and retention? Richard N. Hart III of Advisor360° and Nick Diodati of Charles River Development discuss.
Video transcript
Rich Hart: How does Charles River see recruiting and retention as it relates to investment products and what you folks offer? What are you guys seeing in the marketplace as it relates to that?
Nick Diodati: For Charles River, it's, I mean, 1) we offer best-in-breed technology around trading and portfolio management and rebalancing, so supporting organizations who have high exposure to traditional rep discretionary books of business, we bring what we would consider to be the world-class piece of technology to support that type of program.
But more than that, we also have the ability to allow access to third-party managers and strategies and the investment options that those advisors who are leaving, let's say, one firm and transitioning to another will need in order to transition their book of business efficiently and without any kind of issues associated with the transition of that client relationship.
So, the continuity that we create and the broad ability of the platform to support third-party managers, strategies, rep directed strategies, and effectively allowing an advisor to conduct the business and manage their practice the way that they want to, we provide that level of continuity through the core platform.
And working with you guys, we leverage the best-in-breed advisor experience that you guys have created along with the access to those institutional-level products and strategies to provide that underlying kind of seamless experience and transition.
Rich: Yeah, nice. So, best-in-breed investment product selection, best-in-breed advisor experience, in theory, that should be a home run.
Nick: That's right.
Rich: Yeah. Excellent.